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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Tai Chi and the health of the circulatory system

The first decade of the 21st century has been called the "golden age for health development" because this has become a priority for governments; money for health has more than tripled.
Despite advances, it is expected that Brazil will be the world champion in mortality from cardiovascular disease in 2040, according to WHO data. 
Currently the country have more than half of people aged 55 with hypertension; at 65, this figure reaches 60%. Scary!
The good news is that a study conducted by researchers from the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong and the University of Illinois found that elderly people who practiced Tai Chi regularly reached more elasticity in their arteries, a factor that is associated with better health of the circulatory system .
Arterial stiffness is closely associated with cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and stroke.


As we age our arteries lose elasticity and arterial compliance is a measure of how well the arteries expand and contract in response to blood pumped and can be a way to predict the risk of problems in the elderly.
Heart disease is a chronic condition that needs secondary prevention measures, made ​​through cardiac rehabilitation to reduce morbidity and mortality and improve the quality of life of patients. 
The study concluded that the findings suggest that Tai Chi can be a suitable exercise for older people who wish to improve cardiovascular function and muscle strength.

                                                NEW APPROACHES

The creation of new approaches to improve the well - being of people with chronic illnesses or disabilities and who need long-term rehabilitation may include the use of Tai Chi. 
As costs are rising and budgets shrinking, Tai Chi has the advantage of being a form of exercise accessible and low cost in a world where nearly 2.7 billion people are without a safety net to cover the medical bill.
Tai Chi, an excellent addition to a supervised exercise program for secondary prevention.


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