Basic issues
Non-discrimination against traditional medicine entails recognizing it and respecting the rights of
traditional practitioners. In many areas they are the first port of call for local people, either because
of cultural tradition or because these communities have no access to modern health care. However,
it is wrong to invoke protection of tradition and cultural identity, which is a de facto right, to prevent
individuals from receiving exact and adequate information on the causes of their illnesses and
obtaining effective treatment. It must again be stressed that people have a right to high-quality
health care, regardless of the medicine they are dealing with.
In the case of traditional spiritual practices, the situation is more complicated, as they are based on
a symbolic bond that is considered an essential part of the therapeutic relationship itself. However,
the principle of non-discrimination does not entitle practitioners to prevent patients receiving vital
treatment by claiming to have an effective or even miracle cure for acute or serious diseases or
offering spiritual diagnoses based on local beliefs to persuade patients not to undergo recommended treatment. The medical responsibility demanded of practitioners of modern medicine also applies to traditional practitioners.
The best facilities for diagnosis, treatment and prevention should be available to every patient in
every country, whatever the cult ural context. It would be unacceptable to allow a two-tier health
system to develop – one for the wealthy and another with easier and cheaper access for low-
income social groups – since this would be to approve discrimination. Traditional medicine and
modern medicine can coexist if bridges are built between them. If a traditional therapy has proved
effective, it should be universally available. But respect for cultural diversity and the fact that, in
many cases, poor people do not seek what they do not know exists cannot serve as excuses for
loosening or casting off the bonds of justice and solidarity in a world where life expectancy is more
than 80 years for some and less than 50 years for others. Our public health systems are responsible for ensuring that the right to high-quality care is respected.
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