EB63.R4 Traditional Medicine
The Executive Board,
Recalling resolution WHA30.49;
Having examined the Director-General's report on the progress achieved in the new programme on traditional
medicine, and the recommendations contained therein;
Noting the special attention directed to traditional medicine, including traditional birth attendants, by a WHO
Meeting on the Promotion and Development of Traditional Medicine, and by the regional committees;
Conscious of the need for practical and effective measures to promote and develop research in traditional medicine, including medicinal plants and herbal remedies;
Emphasizing the need for the governments of the countries interested in the use of traditional medical practice to give adequate support to engaging traditional medical practitioners in primary health care teams as and when appropriate and to the utilization of appropriate technology in these traditional medical practices, and to undertake adequate measures for effective regulation and control of traditional medical practices;
Recognizing that the success of the programme will depend on the active involvement of all Member Stconcerned;
REQUESTS the Director- General:
(1) to intensify his efforts to promote the active involvement of Member States concerned in the further development and implementation of the programme;
(2) to assist interested governments to develop more realistic and flexible approaches to traditional medicine through health care programmes adapted to the different socio-economic conditions;
FURTHER REQUESTS the Director-General and the Regional Directors to continue to develop the traditional medicine programme of WHO including the guidelines for the use of valuable traditional health care practices as and when appropriate, to allocate necessary financial and other resources to this programme, and to cooperate with Member States in this field.
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