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Tuesday, 15 September 2015

ÚNICO Projeto de Lei da Medicina Tradicional e das Terapias Complementares

PL 5.078/2005 Projeto de Lei da Medicina Tradicional e das Terapias Complementares NOTA: ENTENDA-SE O TERMO "indigenous" UTILIZADO PELA OMS COMO NATIVO, ABORÍGENE, AUTÓCTONE,E NÃO SOMENTE INDÍGENA.;jsessionid=D34A59126F176826E86FEB40B385F6A4.proposicoesWeb1?codteor=298320&filename=PL+5078/2005 25/06/2015 - Em razão da prejudicialidade do PL 4842/1998, ao qual o PL 5078/2005 encontrava-se apensado, apense-se este último ao PL-4579/1998. Proposição Sujeita à Apreciação do Plenário Regime de Tramitação: Ordinária

China wants global status for Tai Chi

China wants Yoga-like global status for Tai Chi China plans to push for global recognition for its ancient martial art Tai Chi following India's successful efforts to get June 21 designated as the International Yoga Day by the UN. China was one of the co-sponsors of the India-backed resolution at the UN to get June 21 declared as the International Yoga Day. Both Tai Chi and Yoga, with their time honoured histories, could provide benefits to physical and mental health in modern society. The performance displayed both sides' determination to work together to achieve healthy lives for a combined 2.5 billion people, along with regional stability and lasting global peace, he said.