Dear Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO Director-General)
We ask the Director-General to remind the Brazilian government, in the WHO member state condition, the regulation of Traditional Medicine, according to the WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014–2023, and the importance the implementation the Resolutions of the World Health Assemblies on Traditional Medicine, like the ones that follow:
RESOLUTION WHA29.72 (1976) include the reserve power of human resources made up of those who practice TRADITIONAL MEDICINE in PHC, primary health care;
WHA30.49 (1977): Immediate, practical and effective measures and use of their traditional medicine systems with appropriate regulation;
EB63.R4 (1979): engaging practitioners of traditional medicines in PHC, primary health care teams and undertaking appropriate measures to effectively regulate and control traditional medical practices;
WHA40.33 (1987): Optimally use professionals of traditional systems of medicine in PHC, primary health care;
WHA41.19 (1988): Promote inter-country meetings to disseminate knowledge and exchange experiences on Traditional Medicines;
WHA42.43 (1989): Make a complete assessment of traditional medical systems; encourage collaboration between universities, health services, training institutions and relevant international organizations in the scientific evaluation of traditional forms of medical treatment and their application where appropriate in modern health care;
WHA44.34 (1991): Introduce measures for the regulation and control of acupuncture methods;
WHA56.31 (2003) to promote and support, if necessary and in accordance with national circumstances, the provision of training and, where appropriate, retraining of traditional medicine practitioners, and a system of qualification, accreditation or licensing of medical professionals traditional; recognize the role of some traditional medicine practitioners as one of the important resources of PHC, primary health care services; provide adequate support for TM research; provide reliable information on TM and complementary and alternative medicine to consumers and suppliers; promote proper traditional medicine education in medical schools;
WHA61.21 (2008): Encourage research and development of traditional medicine; define research priorities in traditional medicine; encourage and promote innovation policies in the field of traditional medicine; promote the establishment of standards to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of traditional medicine, including by funding research needed to establish such standards;
WHA62.13 (2009): Establish systems for the qualification, accreditation or licensing of TM professionals; respect, preserve and communicate the knowledge and treatment of MT;
WHA67.18 (2014): implement the WHO Strategy 2014-2023 of Traditional Medicine, which is explicit in item 4.2.2, Strategic direction 2. Strategic action for Member States, 6, 7, 8.
World Health Assembly Resolutions:
WHA67.18 (2014) Traditional medicine;
WHA62.13 (2009) Traditional medicine;
WHA61.21 (2008) Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property;
WHA56.31 (2003) Traditional medicine;
WHA44.34 (1991) Traditional medicine and modern health care;
WHA42.43 (1989) Traditional medicine and modern health care;
WHA41.19 (1988) Traditional medicine and medicinal plants;
WHA40.33 (1987) Traditional medicine;
WHA31.33 (1978) Medicinal plants;
WHA30.49 (1977) Promotion and development of training and research in traditional medicine;
WHA29.72 (1976) Health manpower development and
WHA22.54 (1969) Establishment of pharmaceutical production in developing countries.
And Executive Board Resolutions:
EB134.R9 (2014) Traditional medicine;
EB124.R9 (2009) Traditional medicine;
EB111.R12 (2003) Traditional medicine;
EB87.R24 (1991) Traditional medicine and modern health care and
EB63.R4 (1979) Traditional medicine programme.
We ask the Director-General to remind the Brazilian government, in the WHO member state condition, the regulation of Traditional Medicine, according to the WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014–2023, and the importance the implementation the Resolutions of the World Health Assemblies on Traditional Medicine, like the ones that follow:
RESOLUTION WHA29.72 (1976) include the reserve power of human resources made up of those who practice TRADITIONAL MEDICINE in PHC, primary health care;
WHA30.49 (1977): Immediate, practical and effective measures and use of their traditional medicine systems with appropriate regulation;
EB63.R4 (1979): engaging practitioners of traditional medicines in PHC, primary health care teams and undertaking appropriate measures to effectively regulate and control traditional medical practices;
WHA40.33 (1987): Optimally use professionals of traditional systems of medicine in PHC, primary health care;
WHA41.19 (1988): Promote inter-country meetings to disseminate knowledge and exchange experiences on Traditional Medicines;
WHA42.43 (1989): Make a complete assessment of traditional medical systems; encourage collaboration between universities, health services, training institutions and relevant international organizations in the scientific evaluation of traditional forms of medical treatment and their application where appropriate in modern health care;
WHA44.34 (1991): Introduce measures for the regulation and control of acupuncture methods;
WHA56.31 (2003) to promote and support, if necessary and in accordance with national circumstances, the provision of training and, where appropriate, retraining of traditional medicine practitioners, and a system of qualification, accreditation or licensing of medical professionals traditional; recognize the role of some traditional medicine practitioners as one of the important resources of PHC, primary health care services; provide adequate support for TM research; provide reliable information on TM and complementary and alternative medicine to consumers and suppliers; promote proper traditional medicine education in medical schools;
WHA61.21 (2008): Encourage research and development of traditional medicine; define research priorities in traditional medicine; encourage and promote innovation policies in the field of traditional medicine; promote the establishment of standards to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of traditional medicine, including by funding research needed to establish such standards;
WHA62.13 (2009): Establish systems for the qualification, accreditation or licensing of TM professionals; respect, preserve and communicate the knowledge and treatment of MT;
WHA67.18 (2014): implement the WHO Strategy 2014-2023 of Traditional Medicine, which is explicit in item 4.2.2, Strategic direction 2. Strategic action for Member States, 6, 7, 8.
World Health Assembly Resolutions:
WHA67.18 (2014) Traditional medicine;
WHA62.13 (2009) Traditional medicine;
WHA61.21 (2008) Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property;
WHA56.31 (2003) Traditional medicine;
WHA44.34 (1991) Traditional medicine and modern health care;
WHA42.43 (1989) Traditional medicine and modern health care;
WHA41.19 (1988) Traditional medicine and medicinal plants;
WHA40.33 (1987) Traditional medicine;
WHA31.33 (1978) Medicinal plants;
WHA30.49 (1977) Promotion and development of training and research in traditional medicine;
WHA29.72 (1976) Health manpower development and
WHA22.54 (1969) Establishment of pharmaceutical production in developing countries.
And Executive Board Resolutions:
EB134.R9 (2014) Traditional medicine;
EB124.R9 (2009) Traditional medicine;
EB111.R12 (2003) Traditional medicine;
EB87.R24 (1991) Traditional medicine and modern health care and
EB63.R4 (1979) Traditional medicine programme.
Thank you.
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